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How I Get Clients In My $60k / Month Niche Web Design Agency

Success lies where Hardwork, Discipline and Consistency lie - Kimosop

Step-By-Step How I Get Clients

In My $60k / Month Niche Web Design Agency

👋🏼 Intro

Who I am

I’m Not Selling Anything To You

Not Gate Keeping Anything - Ask Me Anything on Instagram @techxparrow

Resources in Discord - FREE

My ONLY ask is that if this brings you value Like  

Follow @techxparrow for more value

đź’¸ How I get My Clients

What do I sell?

High Ticket Website - Niche Specific Ksh 15,000

It didn’t Start Out High Ticket

My Journey

1. Work For Free → Portfolio

2. Work Upfront → Portfolio

3. Work For Cheap & Get Better

4. Increase Prices

5. Hire Team & Build SOP’s

Where To Find Clients

Choose A Niche → Upcoming blog

Do Market Research - Where Do They Hang Out

Facebook? Instagram? Forums? - Make a Google Sheet (upcoming blogs)

How To Approach Clients

Set Up Your Profile

Send Cold DM’s → My scripts

Get their Phone # Number

No Need To Call Them → But You Can (Just To Introduce Yourself Not Pitch)

How To Pitch And Close

When You’re On The Call / Having A Chat In The DM → Irresistible Offer

Resource In Discord For Book $100M Sales by Alex Hormozi

All You Need Is A Zoom Call (So set expectations)

That’s Where You Pitch & Reveal Pricing - DO NOT do it on the call or text


Create Your Own FB Group → Become The Authority

Generate Leads This Way → Feed Them Into The CRM & Also DM Them

Send Them A Personalised AI Lead Video with Bhuman.ai

Get EVEN MORE leads with FREE lead magnet FB Ads → Repeat Above Steps


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